novembro 10, 2012

Avesso a ....grandes Uniões e Organizações

Acabam todas nas mãos de gatunos ou em equilíbrios insustentáveis. Vejamos a EU, uma união a tender a uma organização nazi-comunista, agora tomada de assalto por Hate Groups com Hate Speech: multinacionais do aborto, multinacionais do gayzismo, do Humanismo (esta é de gritos) e outras pérolas pré-Câmbricas.

Strange things are going on in the EU Institutions. First John Dalli, the EU Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection, was ousted from the European Commission on the basis of (rather flimsy) charges of wrongdoing. Requests to Commission President Barroso to explain why exactly he forced Mr. Dalli to resign have been left unanswered.
As Mr. Dalli is from Malta, it is for the Maltese Government to propose a candidate to replace him as a member of the Commission. The choice has fallen on Mr. Tonio Borg, the current Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Tonio Borg, Foreign Minister of Malta
But immediately after Mr. Borg’s nomination as a candidate had been made public, a well-oiled machinery of defamation and dirty campaigning was set into motion by a coalition of notorious hate groups. This coalition includes the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), the European Humanist Federation (EHF), the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA Europe).

Several letters have been circulated by those Hate Groups, in which they seek to incite hatred against Mr. Borg and to mobilize the European Parliament to vote against his appointment.

Por isso veria com bastante alegria a desaparecimento pacífico da UE e não mais votarei para as eleições europeias: a EU tornou-se um antro de selvajaria e de gastos incontrolados.

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